Blog posts

Maximizing Chicken Health in Winter: The Power of Probiotics

As the vibrant colors of autumn fade and the air grows crisper, backyard chicken owners prepare for the colder months ahead. Winter brings its own set of challenges for raising...

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How Big Creek, Mississippi Farmers Improved Sweet Potato Growth

Big Creek, Mississippi. We are working with Perry Ross and some local farmers in Big Creek, Mississippi to see what Effective Microorganisms® will do on sweet potatoes.  The soils are mid to...

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How A Farm in San Xavier Cut Costs & Reduce Water Usage By 50%

Learn how one farm manager adopted organic methods to reduce costs and water usage by 50%. Hear Bill Worthey's story of transitioning a conventional cotton farm into regenerative farming using...

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Dairy Lagoon Tests

Treating a dairy lagoon with Effective Microorganisms® (Activated EM•1).     This 20-foot deep lagoon had built up 14 years worth of solids with 15 feet of solids and 3 feet...

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Growing Chilis with EM-1®

Learn about John and Jim, the “Salsa Twins”, who share their story of successful organic chili pepper farming using EM-1 Microbial Inoculant despite weather challenges. Discover how regenerative and sustainable...

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Growing Organic Chilies in New Mexico with Regenerative, Sustainable Farming

Last week I made it out to Deming and met with some REALLY excited farmers. This year they learned about EM•1® and decided to put it to the test. As...

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