EM•1® Case Study: Wastewater Treatment

Effective Microorganisms® enhance the diversity of microorganisms in aquatic environments. In wastewater, the microbes secrete substances such as organic acids, enzymes, and antioxidants when in contact with organic matter. This shifts the conditions from putrefactive to non-putrefactive. This unique ability enables EM•1® to transition the wastewater collection system into a pretreatment system, lowering the loading demand of wastewater treatment plants. 

Consistent applications of EM Technology® into the collection system will increase the capacity of the treatment plant, decrease the operation costs, and improve the efficiency of the entire system. 




In May of 2005, the City of Meridian, Texas, conducted a 30-Day trial to assess the ability of EM•1® Waste Treatment to control odor, grease, and phosphorus levels within the city's wastewater collection and treatment system.

EM•1® Waste Treatment was applied through an injection pump.

Odor was eliminated within 2 hours of the first application and did not return until after the trial had completed. Grease solids that were visible on lift station walls were digested within the first week of applications.

Phosphorus levels from dropped from 3.92 to 0.13 during the 4-week trial.

This project demonstrated the ability of EM•1® to deodorize the collection and treatment system, digest (not emulsify) grease, and reduce total phosphorus through the injection on one product. The most significant cost savings in applications of EM•1® is the capital outlay for new equipment is nominal. If the municipality wishes to purchase the injection systems, they can be purchased for as little as $200 per unit. The application of EM•1® into lift stations prevents corrosion from sulfuric acid, therefore cleaning the units and increasing the life of the equipment. This was visible at the injection point, which was black at the beginning of the trial and looked like new concrete by the end of the 3-week trial.

Protection of equipment could save a municipality several hundred thousand dollars. Prevention of hydrogen sulfide in the collection system can also prevent crowning. Sludge reduction was noticed during this treatment. Normally the City wastes sludge every 10 days. Sludge was not wasted once during the testing phase. We do know from previous tests with EM•1® that sludge reduction as high as 50% can be expected with regular applications.


Depending on the size of the system, EM•1® Waste Treatment (smaller) or Wt1000™ (large scale) can be used. Application site and dosage are dependent on the type and age of the system and the goals of the operation. Since application rates can vary from 1:1,000 to 1:40,000, please contact us and talk to a wastewater expert. 

The average daily flow is determined. After a site assessment and preliminary data is collected for at least one year, the proper amount of product is calculated.

Wt1000™ is injected at a rate of 1:10,000 (average rate) on a daily basis in the collection system as far away from the plant as possible to increase residence time in the line. A siphon/venture unit can be installed to work on a pressurized trigger or an injection pump can be installed on site. In systems that have high flow rates or excessive sludge levels, the addition of EM Bokashi can accelerate sludge digestion.


For odor control, a fogging system will be installed in lift stations, at the headworks, or other areas of concern. EM•1® Waste Treatment has a unique ability to stabilize complex proteins through a shift from anaerobic putrefaction cycles to a fermentative cycle.

Hair and plastics can play havoc with the balancing of an anaerobic digester by creating over-thickening of the scum layer. Hair is primarily composed of complex proteins, which have been historically difficult to stabilize to a point at which the biological breakdown will occur in a timely manner. EM•1® Waste Treatment will assist by accelerating protein stabilization.

Wt1000™ is an all natural bacterial inoculant that helps process waste, control odor and increase water quality. The beneficial microorganisms in Wt1000™, such as organic acids, enzymes and antioxidants, shift conditions from putrefaction to non-putrefactive. 

In ponds and lagoons, the beneficial microbes in Wt1000™

can prevent slime and algae growth and maintain pristine water. 

Wt1000™ can be used in a variety of other systems such as portable toilets, septic systems, waste lagoons, composting, water features and for livestock odors.

EM•1® Waste Treatment is a naturally fermented live microbial product. It is a safe alternative to synthetic chemicals that can be used for all waste treatments, wastewater and freshwater treatments, and deodorizing. It is non-toxic and safe for humans, animals, fish, and the planet.