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How Bokashi Composting Can Help Your Garden Thrive
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How Bokashi Composting Can Help Your Garden Thrive

EM® Bokashi is a fantastic way to improve your composting efforts. By understanding its benefits and the process behind it, you can make a significant impact on your garden soil. When you use EM® Bokashi, the lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and phototrophic bacteria present in it work to ferment organic substances in your compost. This fermentation process converts proteins and cellulose into amino acids and polysaccharides instead of ammonia and carbon dioxide. Not only does this eliminate any unpleasant odors, but the resulting amino acids and polysaccharides are directly absorbed by plants and microorganisms. This direct absorption saves time and leads to higher fruit quality, as proteins are typically synthesized from nitrogen.


Bokashi is a concept originating from Japan, and simply means "fermented organic matter." It is typically made from fermented wheat, cotton, or rice bran. Our EM® Bokashi takes organic rice bran and utilizes the original EM-1® Microbial Inoculant to create a composting material rich in beneficial microorganisms. By layering food waste with EM® Bokashi in a Bokashi Compost bucket, these microorganisms transform the organic material into a natural fertilizer and superfood for your soil and plants.


When you introduce Bokashi Compost to your garden soil, you can expect several benefits. Adding fermented food scraps enriches the soil with organic matter, strengthening its structure. The microorganisms and organisms present in the composting process, such as worms and beneficial insects, are nourished by the fermented food scraps. As they consume and decompose the organic material, they release sticky compounds that act as glue, binding soil particles together and increasing soil strength.

Additionally, the breakdown of food waste by microorganisms releases nutrients in forms that plants can readily absorb. This reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers, which can have negative effects on soil health. Rather than chemical nitrogen being wasted or leached into the soil, microorganisms break down organic material into readily available forms.

The movement of microorganisms and larger organisms also contributes to soil aeration and the creation of pores. Pores consist of either water or air and are vital for maintaining strong and healthy soil. Porosity, which refers to the volume of pores, influences water infiltration, nutrient movement, root growth, and oxygen concentrations.

Furthermore, by incorporating organic matter and providing proper nutrient supplementation, you can reduce the need for extensive tilling in your garden. This promotes better drainage and water infiltration by minimizing compaction and stress. Earthworms play a crucial role in enhancing soil strength through their waste and movement. They contribute to binding soil particles or creating permeability. However, worms and microorganisms alone cannot fully break down all waste, highlighting the importance of cultivating a balanced, healthy, and living soil that supports all organisms.

Educating yourself about Bokashi Composting and its benefits can help you make informed decisions for your garden and contribute to maintaining a balanced and thriving ecosystem.



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